Miroslava Němcová,
and Chairman ofCzechParliament's Chamber of Deputies (2012)
"The music life of Prague is rich and there is a great variety of cultural activities here. Therefore
I am glad that the organizers have succeeded
following the long-time tradition of the festival
and in providing an extraordinarily attractive and original program and that they connected
it with the unique atmosphere of the Church of St. Simon and Judas. I must also say that the organization was excellent. Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that Václav Hudeček's character and his mastership ensurethe festival'shighest professionalism and level. Festival's long tradition
isproofof the fact that it has already gained a solid reputation. Unlike many other festivals, the Prague Music Festival is a long-term project with an elaborate dramaturgy which enables audiences of not only good chamber music to find what they want. It is also noticeable that the festival offers opportunities
to young talented artists."

doc. MD Bohuslav Svoboda, CSc.
Prague Mayor (2012)
"I must say that the festival's idea is brilliant as well as bringing together young talented artists and renowned classical music stars. Personally,
I evaluate the opening evening and the whole festival very positively. It is always pleasing to see traditional forms. And it is even a greater joy to see that under the patronage of maestro Václav Hudeček young artists have the opportunity to present themselves and meet each other when performing great masters' works. Moreover, their view of known and less known pieces of music can appear original, innovative andinspiration. The proof of this choice's fruitfulness is that former debutants return to perform at the Prague Music Festival – notunfrequentlyalready as matadors of European stages and halls."

Ivan Moravec
and Pianist
"The Prague Music Festival, an extraordinary concert series organized by Václav Hudeček and his guests,
is celebrating its 20th anniversary. I wish Václav health and a lot of strength in the coming years so that he can continue to help young artists. May the favor
of audiences and generous patrons be always with him.”

Milan Štěch,
and Chairman ofCzechParliament's Senate
"Mr Hudeček's art is at the top of Czech contemporary culture. The Prague Music Festival which is connected with his work and masterly art offers this
an extraordinary opportunity to experience an excellent performance in the field of classical music. It is much appreciated
that Mr. Hudeček helps young talented artists and gives them chances to develop their art."